Fee Information

The District assesses student fees annually and has set the below fees for the 2024-2025 school year. Instructional and Technology Fees are consolidated as one Instructional Fee and are assessed to every student enrolling in the district. Transportation and Activity fees are optional and applied upon enrollment for bus service or a particular activity. We encourage timely payment of fees to take advantage of the discounts offered. 

All school fee forms, applications and waivers can be downloaded and printed from the Forms and Documents page here. 


All fees are waived for students eligible for the free lunch program. Families that do not qualify for the free lunch program may qualify for a partial waiver. 

You may also apply for Financial Assistance by submitting a Fee Waiver Application or the Household Eligibility Form. Household Eligibility Forms will be mailed to district families in the summer. For additional information, see the Financial Assistance page.